JESUS IN 2022?

You helped make 2021 spectacular by sharing hope with millions of people. This Christmas, we thank God for you and rejoice with you. What a great gift we have to celebrate our Savior!

And still, we know we can’t slow down. Our world is in turmoil — aching for the hope only Jesus gives. There are still so many people who have yet to hear the Good News. We press on. We stay focused. And we’re so thankful to do this work with you.

Great doors have been opened to blanket the earth with the Gospel in 2022. And your gift made by December 31 will qualify for a $1,000,000 matching challenge.

Will you invest in helping people meet the Savior?

Open Doors in 2022

With your gift, you’re helping proclaim the Good News all over the world.

Over the next 12 months, we’ll be lifting up the name of Christ in places like Karachi, Pakistan; San Jose, Costa Rica; Manchester, United Kingdom; Bridgeport, Connecticut; Kumasi, Ghana; and Buenos Aires, Argentina!

If you prefer to send your gift by mail, please make check payable to “Luis Palau Association" and send to:

Luis Palau Association
PO Box 50 | Portland, OR 97207

If you have any questions about giving, including questions on giving stock or property, contact us at (888) 877-5847.