You can change lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina!
This campaign has been years in the making. In fact, it was set to take place while Dad was still alive. Then Covid hit and everything was put on hold.
Now it’s back on . . .
I’m talking about a major evangelistic festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina this November 18 and 19!
It’s been 14 years since our last citywide campaign in Buenos Aires. You may remember it. We shut down the main avenue through town. All 16 lanes! And the crowd stretched out for 7 full blocks.
It proved to be the largest festival in the history of our team. It was also one of the largest gatherings in the history of Argentina!
Now, 14 years later, my brother Andrew is carrying the torch.
We are so excited for what God is going to do through this festival in Argentina. But we need your help to get to the finish line.
Your partnership will help . . .
Mobilize 2,000 local churches for evangelism
Train thousands of believers in friendship evangelism
Strengthen relationships among business, civic, and church leaders
Save the city millions of dollars through community service initiatives
Provide momentum for a unified, ongoing citywide service effort
Reach tens of thousands of people with the Good News in person
Lead thousands of individuals in decisions for Jesus Christ
Connect new believers with an established partnering church
Let the whole region hear the voice of God!
I’m so encouraged that the pastors are looking to Palau to lead the charge . . . even in this post-Luis era. They are looking to us to do what we have done for decades: unify and cast vision, amplify the work of the Church, keep evangelism front and center, and lead the charge.
We’re just as committed as ever!
And with your partnership, I know God will use us to do big things.
Please pray for our team.
Latin America needs the Good News. And we are boldly taking on the challenge of reaching this massive city.
Right now, the team is focused on preparing all the discipleship material needed for the thousands of new believers we expect from this festival. That includes discipleship books, New Testaments, and encouraging follow-up teachings from our team. Total cost for this important element of this region-wide outreach is $50,000.
With a prayer to lead more than 5,000 people in a clear commitment to Christ – that’s just $10 per decision maker!
Would you please join with us today to help with this massive region-wide festival? Think of it . . . with a cost of just $10 to help a new believer get established in their new-found faith, you can make a tremendous impact.
It’s a small price to pay to change a life for eternity!
Our brothers and sisters in Argentina need our help to keep the Gospel moving forward. They need our encouragement and support.
Friend, will you join with us as we focus on the largest campaign we have taken on since NYC in 2015?
Let’s do this together. Let’s see the Lord use us in a big way this coming month – to share the Good News boldly in Argentina and throughout all of Latin America.
Thank you once again for all you do. You are such a blessing and an encouragement to the team. It is a privilege to lift you up in prayer and to partner with you to proclaim His truth.
Serving the Lord together,
Kevin Palau
P.S. Dad instilled in each of us a deep passion for reaching the big cities of the world with the Good News. And that’s exactly what we plan to do through this festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Please join with us to change lives and bring hope.