$3 sends one book to China. $300 sends one hundred.


We plan to distribute 24,000 copies of our evangelistic Christmas book. And we know from experience that those books get shared far and wide. This is a really rare open door.

Will you honor Luis Palau’s birthday, and his life of service to the Lord, by giving a gift to send one or even 85 books to China? Each book costs just $3 to print and distribute, and generous friends will match every gift.

The $25,500 goal is possible if you and hundreds of friends participate… Let’s deeply bless Luis and send 8,500 books to China for his 85th birthday!



Our lives have been blessed by Luis Palau and we have a special moment to honor him. In light of this special birthday and special season of his life, we’re inviting you to make a gift to honor his 85 years and bless a people Luis loves deeply: the people of China.

Luis grew up inspired by missionary biographies…men and women who gave their lives to bring the Gospel to the millions of people in China. He dreamed God would use him someday in China…and God answered that prayer through many trips where he shared the Good News.

We know Luis Palau is going to be tremendously blessed to see his friends from all over the world, teaming up to share the Gospel for his birthday. He has taught us all that there’s nothing more important!


If you prefer to send your gift by mail, please make check payable to “Luis Palau Association" and send to:

Luis Palau Association

PO Box 50

Portland, OR 97207

If you have any questions about giving, including questions on giving stock or property, contact us at (888) 877-5847.