We wish you could’ve been there . . . in Buenos Aires, surrounded by thousands of people choosing Jesus. 

Our hearts were awestruck by the power of the Gospel to change lives—even shift nations. God’s desire to reach every person doesn’t diminish when times get harder—His compassion seems to overflow even more abundantly!

You’re invited, today, to multiply Gospel impact around the world. Thanks to a generous matching challenge, your donation before December 31 will be doubled! 

God’s opened exciting opportunities for 2023. Will you help make them possible?

  • A new digital strategy in the U.S. that connects online decision-makers with local churches.

  • Training hundreds of partner evangelists through our Global Network of Evangelists.

  • Reaching millions with radio and television campaigns worldwide!

  • Festivals in Costa Rica, Kenya, Uruguay, and the United States. 

  • Bringing the Gospel to millions in hard-to-reach nations, like Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and Iraq.

We want to step boldly through every door God opens because we know . . . “he does not want anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). 

These doors will not stay open forever. Let’s seize this unique moment in history!

Will you give today to help bring Jesus to every corner of the globe?