Cityfest's “Evening of Hope” proved to be an inspiring night of encouragement and Good News. With nearly 400 women gathered at the beautiful Silvan Ridge Winery in Eugene, Oregon, they heard numerous stories of hope and redemption from women all around the world, sharing how they found true fulfillment, peace, and joy after making a decision to follow Jesus Christ.
The “Stories of Hope” theme resonated all throughout the evening as the hope of the Gospel was presented with joy and clarity. Speakers Kristin Wall and Wendy Palau both shared their own testimonies and personal stories with grief, doubt, and finding out that God is better than they ever thought before.
The Holy Spirit was truly at work throughout the night. Not only was it a memorable evening for all who attended, but more than 100 women indicated a confession of faith in Jesus Christ by the end of the evening.
“One lady invited her atheist friend to the women’s dinner. Not only did she accept, she invited 6 more friends to join her. After the invitation, 2 of those ladies made decisions to follow Jesus Christ and a few others said they wanted more information. Praise God! ”