A devotional by Luis Palau
1952 Luis Palau & Family
When I was eighteen, a choice—which was more about my heart than my occupation—came to the surface in a colorful way. As a boy, I’d read about a missionary who’d contracted leprosy on the mission field. I was haunted by the story. One day, I felt the Lord asking a simple question: Luis, are you willing to give your life for the sake of others? Are you willing to get leprosy for Me?
Finally, peace replaced my tension, and I knew the honest answer. Lord, I’ll do whatever You ask. Even if it means risking leprosy for the sake of the Good News, I’ll do it. It was a moment of surrender. A moment of becoming a “living sacrifice.”
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”
Luis at age 3 with Dad
The concept of giving all for the Lord was not abstract to me. Before my father’s death, I’d seen his generous spirit extend to every aspect of his life. From the moment he accepted Christ, he was fully committed. In the middle of the service, while the preaching was in full swing, he suddenly stood up and announced, “I receive Jesus Christ as my only and sufficient Savior.” And he sat down. It was that simple.
His impulse to act while others watched was characteristic of his whole life. He did not waffle or waver. He saw what needed to be done and did it. That full commitment was a kind of generosity. My father’s lessons to me were not many, but they were key. He showed me the power that comes when a person says, “Everything I have is for the Lord.”
Early Family Photo of Luis with Dad
Thinking of him forces me to consider what areas of my life I am holding back from the Lord. Perhaps you should consider it too. Some people find it easy to give money to the cause of Jesus but can’t imagine giving their time—or worse, risking their reputation! Others find volunteering quite easy, but their wallets have not been converted. Are we dedicating ourselves to Christ and His kingdom as whole persons? Is all of us—body, mind, soul, and spirit—being laid at the feet of Jesus?
“...He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.”
Keith, Andrew, Luis, Pat, Kevin and Steve at the Boise, Idaho festival in 2001.
Yes, He asks for all, but only after He Himself has given all. Your role is to simply obey the Lord Jesus Christ and follow His principles for your life. From there, who knows how or when or where you will find yourself used by Him? Your story is not only yours; your story is His story as much as mine ever was.
At the judgment seat, in the middle of all my stumbles, this much I know I will be able to say to the One seated on the great white throne: “I obeyed you, Father. You said go, and I went.”
I went. He went with me, every mile. And it was worth it.
Buenos Aires 2008
Surrender Today—
Ask the Lord what He’s wanting you to give today. Is it time? Money? Words? Thanks? Ask Him and ask yourself if there’s anything you’re holding back from the Lord. Give it to Him today. Give Him your life. Give Him your story. A nudge from the Spirit, joyfully received and obeyed, can become an avalanche of abundant grace. I’m praying you’d experience the deep peace and grace of giving it all.