“I have stage 4 cancer and 2 young kids…”
“My marriage is falling apart. I’m heartbroken…”
“I thought I was a Christian, yet I feel like I’m being punished by God…”
“This has been the worst year of my life…”
This is how the conversations start . . . raw, honest, dark, heartbreaking. But praise God, this is not how they end.
It could be your neighbor down the street . . . the quiet teenager struggling at school . . . or the single mom you see at Starbucks . . .
They are broken and hurting – with nowhere to turn.
Yet because of this exciting new ministry we’ve launched at the Palau Association . . . they are finding healing, hope, connections to local churches, and new life in Christ!
And it’s all happening through the power of texting!
We’re seeing the power of digital right here in the United States. And with your help, we’re prepared to reach even more hurting people in the days ahead.
As much as it’s possible, we love to work with, through, and for the local Church. We believe the local Church is the best place for people to connect, to learn Scripture, to find true community, and to grow deep in their relationship with Christ.
Connecting our digital strategies with the power of the local Church has been a challenge . . . until now.
We’re harnessing the power of the digital world, linking arms with local churches, and moving seekers and skeptics toward authentic local communities. Here’s how it works:
Every day, we send thousands of digital Gospel ads to social media feeds throughout the United States.
These ads reach far and wide . . . to the lonely and hurting.
In addition to sharing the Gospel, these ads provide a way for them to connect one-on-one via text message with someone from a local church.
Each person is connected with a trained, mature believer from a nearby church.
These trained individuals listen to their questions and pain, and respond with empathy and truth. They also invite them to church where they can meet others who can help them through their struggles.
Since launching this campaign a few months ago, we have already reached more than 1 million people in the U.S.
That’s an average of 23 people per day!
This is such a tremendous opportunity for the Gospel to go out 24/7 – in our nation, in your city, even in your neighborhood. We’re also excited to layer this strategy into our US Festival model – extending the impact of the Gospel throughout specific regions.
We need your help to reach these hurting and lonely people.
The first few months were the test. Now we have proven it works and we’re ready to really roll this out.
It costs $9 per person to run these ads, identify a person who has a need, present the clear Gospel to them, lead them in a decision for Jesus, and agree to talk with someone via text messaging.
That’s when the real work begins – when local churches can start a text relationship with them, answer their questions, offer biblical encouragement, and invite them to join the community!
I don’t have to tell you – text messaging has become one of the most effective means of communication – especially for the younger generation.
It is far more effective than email, phone calls, anything else out there. And now we are inviting you to harness this for the glory of God.
When you give to this work, it’s a double win! Not only will you help a decision maker grow in Christ, you will also further the work of the local Church.
Actually . . . the more I think about it . . . it’s a quadruple win.
Your partnership also pleases the Lord and blesses your life.
Think of this . . . your friends, neighbors, and co-workers . . . they could see and respond to these Gospel ads THIS SUMMER! And you can help make it happen.
You can meet them in their hard moments – the time they are ready to listen. And they don’t even have to leave their house to hear this Good News!
There are so many people in the world right now who need the life-changing message of Jesus. They need His hope and healing.
There are also so many churches ready and waiting to walk alongside these hurting people – they just don’t know how to get to them.
Your partnership today can connect the two!
Please – right now – I ask you to pray and consider a gift today to reach, convert, and connect people to churches across America.
As God leads, will you please give right now?
Thank you for your partnership in the most important work there is – introducing people to Jesus. You are a true blessing to our team and your partnership is changing lives.
For His glory,
Kevin Palau
P.S. Every $9 you give reaches someone who responds to the Gospel and helps them grow in Christ. And together, right now, as you give to this work, you will help connect hurting people to churches across America. Thank you for your support, as God leads.