With the recent outbreak of the coronavirus – which includes so much fear and anxiety from people around the world -- I am reminded of our vision and mission here at Palau. . . reaching as many people as possible with the Good News of Jesus. Our heartbeat is to aid in the growth of God’s Kingdom in any way we can, sharing the joy and hope of Jesus with everyone. During these times, it’s no different, though how we do that may look a little different.
We know the time is now to share the Good News with everyone. This – right now – is the time we have, and we want to utilize every opportunity we have to share the Gospel with all who will listen. With every soul that aches for the hope offered by Jesus. For now, sharing the Good News with people is through our digital platforms.
Yet as we continue to aim to reach the masses, I’m still reminiscing about our past festivals and all the people I am blessed to meet. For a while now, Wendy and I have been praying that the Lord would connect us directly with one individual at each of our festivals. It was Wendy’s idea – initially – that I find a young man at each festival who I could offer direct encouragement and support. When considering my own personal story of rebellion and repentance, it just made sense. And ever since we started praying for this, God has given me a fresh perspective of the ministry and mission at LPA. . . “The one.”
It can be so easy to get wrapped up in the numbers, in the recorded decisions, in the size of attendance. But truly, at the heart of our mission. . . is the one.
The one individual who is lost, hurting, alone, and in need of the Good News.
If one person hears the Good News and accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, if only one person is reached. . . that is more than enough. That is one soul saved. One more brother or sister in Christ.
So often we talk about how God leaves the 99 for the one. But how often do we actually think about that? The Bible talks about how God will go out for that one to find them and rejoice over them. We want to mirror that. With every evangelistic effort, we aim to rejoice over the one.
I remember the time I met Danny at the Zócalo Plaza in Mexico City. The plaza was packed with people. He came forward, weeping. Praying with him, I asked what was happening in his life. It led to an hour and a half long season of repentance. . . heavy repentance. In the heart of the city, we worked through everything that he was going through. I related to him so much. My rebellion in my younger years. My repentance and coming to the Lord. Hearing him repent reminded me of those times in my life. He stood up afterwards and I could see the freedom in his face – such joy in his life. It was a staggering event, his deliverance and salvation. Glory to God!
Just last year in Swansea, Wales, I met Frank. He seemed like one of those kids who was forced to come to the event. There’s no way he came on his own. I would see him every day and smile at him, but one day I decided to strike up a conversation with him. My heart broke when I heard of all he had been through. His mom had left. His dad had committed suicide. Foster care. Pain. Struggle. On the final night in Swansea, he came forward and received the Lord. Praise the Lord!
Most recently, at our festival in Egypt, I met Atum. 28 years old. He came forward after one of the outreaches and started pouring out his heart to me. About how his heart and life were so full of sin. How he had done so much and hurt so many people. How he had hurt his family. As he was telling me all this, I asked him why he came forward. His response was simple: “I gave my heart to Jesus. Now my sins are forgiven.” How beautiful is that? The Good News portrayed so plainly in Atum’s life.
I could tell you about more of the “ones” from the festivals and mass outreaches. And frankly, I’m committed to sharing more of these stories in the months and years ahead once we begin to do our festivals again. It does our hearts good. And there are so many! Every festival is full of “the one,” the one that God is going after, leaving the 99 to rescue.
Thinking about all these individuals responding to the Good News, I want you to know that none of this could have happened without your partnership. You are vital in reaching each and every person who comes to a Palau event, and for that I am truly grateful.