Merry Christmas! I pray this letter finds you well.

If you know me well, you know just how much I love this time of year. The decorations. The lights. The movies. The music. But of course, nothing beats the reason for the season – Emmanuel, God with us!

As I sit here with my family, I can’t help but praise the Lord. In a world full of pain, heartache, and struggle . . . God has used our team to share His hope, peace, love, and forgiveness.

You have played a vital role in this story.

2024 was a wonderful year. Here at the Palau Association, we felt God’s presence in a particularly strong way. So many open doors. So many opportunities to share the Good News.

Your prayers and generous giving have been vitally important to our family and to this ministry. I pray you know that. You have helped bring the hope of the Gospel into many lost and hurting lives.

Through our work this year, more than 3.1 million people have made a decision to follow Christ!

I thank God for you. And I know I’m not alone. So does our entire family, every team member, and every individual whose life has been changed by this ministry.

You can know this . . . as our family gathers this Christmas . . . we will be thanking the Lord for you. Your partnership means the world to us. And we pray God continues to use us together to bring glory to His name.

But we have yet to hear from you this year.

I want to encourage you to keep evangelism a priority. It’s only because of friends like you that the Good News goes out.

We were just reminded of this reality at our most recent festival in Mendoza, Argentina. What a legacy and ministry we continue to carry! Our festival there reached high ranking political leaders as well as massive crowds.

Just look at this photo of my brother Andrew preaching to the crowd on Saturday night – humbling and inspiring.

This is what we give our lives for . . . so that we can share God’s love and forgiveness with those in need. And your support, year after year, bears massive fruit in lives changed for eternity.

God has opened many doors for our ministry over these next few months. In addition to the important work we are doing to unite churches, raise up evangelists, and share the Gospel via social media, God is also using us to share the Good News through festivals in the Middle East, the Caribbean, South America, Europe, and right here in the United States.

And that’s all in these next six months! (Pray for us, our travel schedule is crazy.)

None of this work is possible without the partnership of friends like you. If you could include the Palau Association in your giving this year, it would mean so much to us.

There’s still time! Your gift by December 31 will be another step toward closing in on fully matching a wonderful $75,000 challenge gift.

Will you join with us?

Let’s continue to stand together – as brothers and sisters in Christ – for His glory. He is faithful. I pray He would find us to be faithful as well.

Your friend in Christ,


Kevin Palau



P.S.  We would love nothing more than to have your continued partnership in this Kingdom work. You can give online here or at the button below.