Thank you for praying for Zambia!

So far, hundreds of thousands have been reached with the Gospel all across Zambia. During this festival week, we expect God to move mightily. Please be praying with us.

Festival week schedule

Monday, September 9

  • Orphanage Outreach

  • Eyeglass/Medical Clinic

  • Women’s Prison Outreach

  • Men’s Prison Outreach

  • Street Kids Outreach

  • Defense Dinner

Tuesday, September 10

  • Orphanage Outreach

  • Women’s Conference

  • Eyeglass/Medical Clinic

  • Men’s Prison Outreach

  • Street Kids Outreach

  • Police Dinner

Wednesday, September 11

  • Orphanage Outreach

  • Eyeglass/Medical Clinic

  • Street Kids Outreach

  • Women’s Dinner

Thursday, September 12

  • Orphanage Outreach

  • Eyeglass/Medical Clinic

  • Civic and Business Leaders Dinner

Friday, September 13

  • Sports Clinic

  • School Outreaches

  • Festival Day 1

Saturday, September 14

  • Festival Day 2

Sunday, September 15

  • Festival Day 3

Let’s thank God for the amazing impact we witnessed in Zambia…

Day 2—Saturday

Attendance: 50,000+

Indicated Decisions: 30,879

Day 1—Friday

Attendance: 30,000+

Indicated Decisions: 13,840 

Day 3—Sunday

Attendance: 100,000+

Indicated Decisions: 32,829

When you add these results with the week of ministry in Lusaka leading up to the festival and GNE’s massive undertaking of an additional 4 festivals and frontier missions, the cumulative total comes to:

More than 731,000 people reached IN PERSON in Zambia this year with more than 240,000 indicating decisions for Christ.

In the coming weeks, you’ll get to see more through a video report—stay tuned!

Sunday, September 15

Lord, we are in awe of all You are doing at the Love Zambia festival. Thank You, Jesus, for drawing so many into Your kingdom this weekend!

“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes…” from Romans 1:16

Saturday, September 14

Sharing the Gospel is the most loving thing we could do. And we saw that in action last night. Join us as we thank God for all He has done and all the lives He has rescued this weekend at the Love Zambia Festival. 

There is more yet to come! Will you be praying that the Gospel message will resound powerfully in peoples’ hearts tonight and that by God’s abundant grace, many will choose Jesus?

Friday, September 13

We’re in awe of what God is doing…

Today at the Festival…

Estimated Attendance = 30,000+

Those who made a decision to follow Jesus = 13,840

Those who indicated they want more info = 558

Thousands of Zambians are gathered in Lusaka—RIGHT NOW. The joy is explosive. Please pray with us for many hearts to be receptive to the Gospel as it is proclaimed by Andrew within the next couple of hours. Already this week (before the festival even began), 79,287 people have indicated decisions for Christ through in-person outreaches at schools, prisons, eyeglass clinics, dinners, and more! What cause for rejoicing!

Thursday, September 12

Tomorrow is the big day of the festival kickoff! Please pray that everything will go smoothly and that many thousands will come to know Jesus at Love Zambia!

Wednesday, September 11

We are in awe of our mighty God. “For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes…” (from Romans 1:16)

Last night, Andrew got to share the Gospel at a dinner for the police department. 

44 people in the police department gave their lives to Jesus! This is huge as these individuals will be working to protect others, making tough decisions, and facing danger every day. 

The team has been working closely with local Zambian churches to hold several outreaches in schools. Yesterday alone we reached out to 37,200 school kids.

26,628 kids chose to follow Jesus yesterday! What a miracle!

Wendy spoke to 465 women in Mulungushi at a women’s dinner tonight. 

151 women made decisions for Jesus.

Let’s rejoice along with all of Heaven! We’d so appreciate your continued prayers as our team prepares for many more outreaches leading up to this weekend’s massive 3-day festival.

Will you please be praying that God will… 

  • Give our team discernment, wisdom, and strength to complete this work

  • Soften hearts and set up the right circumstances for many to attend the events

  • Protect the team and all those in need of finding Jesus

You are an essential co-laborer with us in this work of evangelism. Lives are being changed on a massive scale! On behalf of the whole team, thank you. Please keep praying!

We’ll post another update tomorrow, so be sure to check back!

Tuesday, September 10

God is continuing to amaze us with the numbers of Zambians choosing to follow Jesus daily. The harvest is plentiful! 

Just today, Andrew spoke at a men’s prison in Mwembeshi to a crowd of about 1,600. It was such a receptive group, engaged in the Gospel message, actively dancing to the worship music. 

1098 of the men at Mwembeshi prison responded to Andrew’s Gospel invitation and gave their lives to Jesus! 

Wendy spoke today at a Women’s Conference at Bread of Life Church. As God would have it, today was Zambia’s Mother’s Day. Women are encouraged to take the day off. Many of them (over 3,000) chose to spend their day at the women’s conference. And the response was amazing. So many of them came forward choosing to follow Jesus!

3,000 women heard Wendy share the Good News and many responded!

Let’s stay united in prayer! We’re trusting that God’s Holy Spirit will continue to:

  • Build momentum among the people of this region

  • Draw many thousands to the festival this weekend

  • Strengthen and empower us to serve as co-laborers in His mission to share the Good News

“You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas.” —Psalm 65:5

Thank you so much for your faithful partnership in the work of evangelism. This is happening thanks to friends like you!

Be sure to check back tomorrow for more exciting updates! 

Monday, September 9

God is moving!

The week is just starting, and already so many people have given their lives to Jesus. Praise God! Andrew and Wendy have proclaimed the Gospel at a local church, at four prisons, and at a smaller local festival in Zambia. 

Did you know the median age in Zambia is 17 years old? These young people need to encounter the Father personally. And it’s happening! 

The response to Jesus in the prisons was overwhelming. 

  • On Monday, Andrew shared the Gospel with around 1000 men in prison and nearly 800 gave their lives to Jesus. 

  • Out of 155 women in the prison where Wendy shared her story, 127 made decisions to follow Jesus

  • On Monday night, Andrew and Wendy ministered at a Defense Dinner.

Our team also held an eyeglass clinic where 1,569 people were served and heard the Good News of Jesus. This is just the first one… there’s more to come!

The week ahead holds hope for tens of thousands more people to choose Jesus. Would you please cover the team in prayer?

You can be praying for:

  • Protection over the health and safety of the team

  • God’s favor with logistics and regional leaders

  • Many to fully give their hearts to Jesus Christ

Your prayers mean the world to us. We’ll keep you updated!

Sunday, september 8

Andrew, Wendy, and the team flew to a city called Ndola. Its population is about half a million people, and it’s 5 hours away from the capital city of Lusaka. Partnering with evangelists from around the world, we proclaimed the Gospel in Ndola at the festival and at a women’s luncheon with over 1,000 women!

Andrew preached a Sunday morning message at Bread of Life Church and dozens gave their lives to Christ. Wendy spoke at Christian Miracle Centre in the heart of a Ndola village that is about a 20 minute walk from the festival site. Wendy gave an invitation and about 50 people came forward. We are seizing every opportunity to share Jesus! We feel your prayers.

Thursday, September 5

Wendy and I can’t wait to be in Lusaka for the Love Zambia Festival. Africa holds a special place in our hearts and to be able to share the Good News with the lovely people there… there’s nothing better.

Will you take a moment and pray for us and the team? Everyone has given so much of their time and effort for the festival to happen. I know they’d appreciate your prayers as much as Wendy and I do.

The festival week is packed with many amazing opportunities to tell everyone about Jesus and His love for them. You can see the entire schedule on the left… from orphans, students, women, and men, to local business leaders, police officers, and prisoners, we are blessed to be bringing the Gospel to every sector of society. 

And of course, the whole ministry week leads to the massive, free, family-friendly festival on the weekend of September 13-15.

We believe God is going to move in the hearts of many Zambians while we are here, but please join us in praying and believing for ready hearts to receive the Gospel.

Thank you for standing with us faithfully. We couldn’t reach the masses without you.


Andrew Palau

Romans 10:9

In the months leading up to the big festival in Lusaka, partner evangelists from 25 nations have traveled around Zambia to unify, transform, equip, and restore the local people in the hope of Jesus!

global network of evangelists events…

May 13th: Arrival in Lukulu and setting up camp.

May 14th-16th: Evangelism and teachings in Kakulunda, Kakong’a, Mpidi, and Chitokoloki.

May 16th: Love Zambia Launch Event with Andrew Palau

May 17th: Evangelism coupled with soccer ministry in Kakong’a.

June 11th-13th: Innovative Evangelism Training    

June 14th:
Street Bash (Kalulushi)

June 15th: 
Street Bash (Mufulira)

July 11th-12th: Pastors Conference (Lusaka)

July 13th-20th: Friendship Evangelism Training (Lusaka)

July 26th: Street Bash (Chingola)

July 27th: Street Bash (Ndola)

July 28th-August 4th: Love Zambia Festival (partner festival - Kalulushi)
August 2nd-18th: Friendship Evangelism  Training (Lusaka)

August 5th-11th: Love Zambia Festival (partner festival - Mufulira)

August 24th - September 10th: Counselor  Training (Lusaka)

August 26th-September 1st: Love Zambia Festival (partner festival - Chingola)

September 2nd-9th: Love Zambia Festival (partner festival - Ndola)
September 8th-15th: Love Zambia Festival with Andrew Palau (Lusaka)

May marked the beginning of our Love Zambia campaign, where our Global Network of Evangelists have been sharing the Good News with many Zambians from May through September.

September 2 - 9 | Ndola

God is doing something amazing in Ndola. We had our largest GNE opening night ever—in any country! God has been moving through the street evangelism, business leaders’ dinner, school ministry, and more. Soon, Andrew and Wendy will join the team in Lusaka for a week of ministry leading to the festival on September 13-15. Please be praying for us!

The Love Zambia Festival Ndola team had the honor and privilege of paying a courtesy call to the Copperbelt Provincial Minister, Hon. Elisha Matambo. A man of faith, the Minister prayed over the festival and gave his full support to the team and the various ways in which we are saturating the city of Ndola.

He made a bold declaration that we wholeheartedly endorse! Copperbelt for Jesus! Zambia for Jesus!

Love Zambia Festival in Ndola starts Thursday, September 5.

August 26 - September 1 | Chingola

We had an amazing start to our time in Chingola! The team went to several marketplaces to share the Gospel, including a youth bash. We also hosted a Pastors and Festival Workers Summit for all the instrumental individuals who have helped bring Love Zambia Festival in Chingola to life. One evening, the business people and government officials honored our invitation to dinner—we broke bread together and received an insightful and inspiring message about kingdom work.

Best of all, we felt God’s presence throughout each day of the Chingola festival. From the Security Wings breakfast to the two concurrent children’s festivals… from the youth bash to the main festival night… we believe Chingola will be saved!

August 5 - 11 | Mufulira

While our team was in Mufulira, Zambia, we witnessed the incredible power of the Gospel at work! Jesus healed broken hearts and offered second chances like only He can. His love and grace are transforming lives, showing the world what true renewal looks like.

We had an unforgettable time at the Mufulira Festival! We witnessed so many people respond to the Lord with open hearts. Our team, alongside the amazing friends of the festival, poured out love and service to this community in such powerful ways.

One highlight was the security service breakfast where many attendees made the life-changing decision to follow Jesus. We also hosted a vibrant children’s festival, where more than 1,800 kids surrendered their hearts to Christ!

july 28 - august 4 | Kalulushi

Everywhere we go… it’s never just about the festival nights. Saturating a town or city with the Gospel is about impacting every area in the places we visit—extending the impact of the festival and reaching the lost by all means. We do this by engaging business and government executives, college and university students, elementary and high school students, teachers, marketplace traders, prisons, employed professionals, and police officers.

Part of our festival model is to raise up evangelists for the next generation. These young, emerging evangelists get a chance to see seasoned proclamation evangelists as well as the different expressions of evangelism. From street evangelism to children’s ministry, they’ve done it all! Their hearts for serving the Lord have been an inspiration to us all.

Our time in Kalulushi was incredible and a powerful reminder that every single person matters deeply to God. Jesus taught us that He would leave the ninety-nine to find the one lost sheep (Luke 15:4-7), and we experienced that truth firsthand at our Kalulushi Festival.

As the crowd gathered, we witnessed lives being transformed one by one, each story unique and precious. The energy was high, and the spirit of unity and love was palpable as we worshipped and celebrated together.

Each individual matters, and every heart that turns to God brings joy in heaven. This festival was more than an event; it was a testament to the power of the Gospel to touch lives and change destinies—especially for young lives! Let’s keep sharing the Good News and reaching out because every ONE truly matters!

June 28 | Youth Bash

One key event leading up to GNE festivals is an event dedicated to the youth. The 'Youth Bash' is a gathering organized for children, teens, and university students to come together for fellowship, community building, and fun!

Many thanks to our partners Kubamba Missions for their dedication in ensuring young people get engaged in their communities—all while using music as a tool of influence for the kingdom.

May 13th - 17th | Lukulu

Praise God for how He moved through the frontier mission where we shared the Good News with remote villages along the Lungwebungu River.

In partnership with local pastors, nonprofits, and mission organizations, GNE was able to identify a part of the Western Province of Zambia where many people lacked access to the Gospel. The remoteness of this region was precisely why GNE chose this as the first frontier outreach in its history!

The mission itself came with its own logistical challenges, especially surrounding the transportation of the team and supplies across the river. Making multiple trips with a 17-foot riverboat and a 4x4 pick-up truck, everyone was safely shuttled to the overnight location in the remote area west of the Western Province. While this was a challenge, it allowed us to connect with the locals and build relationship. The locals welcomed our team with open arms, amazing hospitality, and unwavering kindness.

This mission was one of collaboration. One key collaboration was with the Zambia Project, an international ministry based in Mongu, which exists to establish a life-giving church within walking distance of every person in Western Zambia. They want to see all villages impacted by the Gospel and uplifted through a strong Christian community. Their partnership and collaboration were invaluable. Their knowledge of the region, language, and culture was instrumental in our outreach efforts. Together, we prayed, worshiped, and organized community gatherings. The concerted effort between GNE, the Message Trust, Acts Africa, Hope Church, the Zambia Project, and local church planters created a strong and effective network for spreading the Gospel.

The outreach fully embraced GNE’s motto, “One Message, Many Expressions.” With a team of 23 people united around one common goal—to do everything possible to spread the Gospel to as many people as we can, so that everyone may hear the Good News of Jesus—we saw God move in amazing ways through unique and creative evangelism methods, reaching the hearts of many Zambians. A unique aspect of this outreach was the innovative expressions of evangelism implemented. Whether it was drama, music, sports, or storytelling, the Good News was communicated with clarity and care, and led many to respond to the invitation.

In one village, a simple skit about the prodigal son left a lasting impression on the villagers, sparking discussions about forgiveness and redemption. We also organized a soccer tournament to draw the community together. More than 600 people joined us throughout the day. At the pinnacle of the tournament, we took the opportunity to share the Gospel and saw many people respond to the message and say ‘yes’ to Jesus.

In total, we visited over 21 villages, distributed more than 1,500 Gospels of John, and best of all, saw more than 2,000 responses to the Gospel. Villages that had once felt isolated and forgotten were now filled with hope and renewed faith. One elder broke into tears when she received the Gospel of John. Holding it close to her heart, she exclaimed, “Surely God has not forgotten us.” There is nothing better than bringing hope to those in desperate need of it. To be so blessed with the opportunity to share the Good News with the remote villages of Zambia… where many have never heard this message before… we are forever grateful for God’s open door.